About StrandStudio

This website is in no way affiliated with The New York Times, it is purely made for fun.
Please don't sue me :(


The Author

Hiiii! I'm TheGoodBoi, my real name being Drew. When I'm not doing Beat Saber stuff, I make little projects like these and share them on the internet. If you'd like to contact me for any reason, you can reach out through Discord, Twitter, or Reddit.

Change Log

May 10, 2024

Website release!

May 11, 2024

Swiping/dragging to play on mobile, letter input box fix on mobile

May 16, 2024

Spangram now doesn't need to start and end at opposite ends, just needs to span across the board somehow


The Other Website

I feel like I should address the alternate website that does almost the same thing that this one does. The website in question of course being customstrandsnyt.com.

I originally began making StrandStudio before I knew of any other custom Strands creators, so I wanted to be the first. However, even after I became of the other website I still worked on this, as I believe the total control of where your letters and strands go is important to the process.

Let me make it clear, I have absolutely nothing against that website. The automatic algorithm used over there is very impressive and uses a lot of smarty-pants stuff I don't understand lol. If automatic board creation is what you're interested in, then by all means go ahead and use it, I can't stop you. That being said... I'd like to offer some advantages that my website has over theirs:

Though of course, their website has few advantages over mine:

Policy Notices

Do not upload any personal or private information through your custom boards. I'm fairly certain someone with enough computer knowledge would be able to export all boards currently on the database. Also, keep in mind that as the website owner I have access to all boards at all times, public or private.

Any boards that I come across and deem to be extremely inappropriate will be deleted. If you see a board you believe shouldn't exist, feel free to report it to me, and I'll have a look.